Since Septembre 2012, I am an assistant professor at
ENS of Lyon. I am a member of
LIP and more preciasely of the INRIA team
I worked on families of graphs excluding a part of the Truemper configurations.
I am a PhD student of
Gavoille. I am studying the structure of k-path separable graphs.
Such graphs which are defined in 2006 by Abraham and Gavoille have
good propreties in "Objects Location Problems" such that compact
routing, distance labelling or navigation in Small Word.
I defended my thesis the 8th December 2011. The reviewers are
Michel Habib and
Ioan Todinca. The committee were composed by
Cyril Gavoille,
Eric Sopena,
Stephan Thomassé and
Ioan Todinca
Journals Papers
Detecting wheels, Emilie Diot, Sébastien Tavenas et Nicolas Trotignon, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics
Publications in International Conference with Program Committee
Path separability of graphs, Emilie Diot and Cyril Gavoille (4th International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop (FAW), volume 6213 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 262-273. Springer)
On the path separability of planar graphs, Emilie Diot and Cyril Gavoille (In Elsevier, editor, European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb), volume 34, pages 593-596. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
Others publications
Etude structurelle et algorithmique des graphes pouvant être séparés par des plus courts chemins, Emilie Diot, PhD Thesis, $tel-00708254$, TEL
Sur la difficulté de séparer un graphe par des plus courts chemins, Emilie Diot, Cyril Gavoille and Pascal Ochem, In 13ème Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel), volume inria-00588312.
La hiérarchie des graphes k-chemin séparables, Emilie Diot and Cyril Gavoille, In 12èmes Journées Graphes et Algorithmes, page 7
Path separability of graphs, Emilie Diot and Cyril Gavoille, echnical Report $hal-00507833_v3$, HAL
Seminar of team Graphs and Applications of LaBRI, Bordeaux (France)
Seminar of team GAMoC of LIFO, Orleans (France))
JGA 2010, Luminy (France)
FAW 2010, Wuhan (China)
ANR ALADDIN meeting, Aussois (France)
EuroComb 2009, Bordeaux (France)
ANR GRAAL meeting, Montpellier (France)
Research Visits
LaBRI with Frédéric Mazoit
National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC) with Artur Ziviani
Team GAMoC du LIFO (fondumental Computer Sciences of Orleans)
with Ioan
and Mathieu
Chapelle from 21th to 25th of March, 2011.
Department of Mathematics of National and Kapodistrian University
of Athens with Dimitrios Thilikos et Dimitris Zorros from 14th to 18th
of June, 2010.